Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis
Tennessee College
(Rosicrucian Society of the United States)
The Tennessee College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis is held quarterly at the Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 18 in Murfreesboro, TN.
The Societas Rosicruciana is an independent Masonic body, unaffiliated with any of the organizations or individuals listed below. However, we recognize that the true Rosicrucian Order is a state of mind, not any single organization. One becomes a Rosicrucian: one does not join the Rosicrucians. These links are provided as a service for those wishing to learn more about the Great Work, but their inclusion here is neither a recommendation nor an endorsement.
Membership, which is by invitation, is predicated on Masonic affiliation as well as a profession of Christian faith, with its membership restricted to 72 members per College. The Society is not merely another degree of Freemasonry which may be acquired, and it exists outside of the normal “workings” of the Craft.
The Masonic qualification assures the membership that the neophyte has given proof of that fidelity and privacy which characterizes a member of that Fraternity, and it will be noted that a certain community outlook and understanding among the members (called Fratres) is necessary.
The aim of the Society is to afford mutual aid and encouragement in working out the great problems of Life; and in searching out the secrets of Nature; to facilitate the study of the system of Philosophy founded upon the Kabalah and the doctrine of Hermes Trismegitus, which was inculcated by the original Fratres Rosae Crucis, A.D. 1450; and to investigate the meaning and symbolism of all that now remains of the wisdom, art and literature of the ancient world.
First Order
These are classified as the Learning Grades.
I° Zelator
II° Theoricus
III° Practicus
IV° Philosphus
Second Order
These are considered the Teaching Grades.
V° Adeptus Minor
VI° Adeptus Major
VII° Adeptus Exemptus
Third Order
These consist of Two Grades conferred by the Supreme Magus and considered Mastery Degrees.
VIII° Magister Templi
IX° Magus
The Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (Rosicrucian Society of the United States) was formed on September 21, 1880, by three Colleges chartered within the previous ten months by the Society in Scotland. It is entirely autonomous and in no way connected with any other institution.
The Society is in amity with the only other similar societies in the world–Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (England) and Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia (Scotland).
?The governing body of the Society is known as The High Council composed of Fraters of the Third Order (IX and VIII), plus any College Celebrant not a member of the Third Order. The head of the Society is titled The Supreme Magus, IX degree, elected each triennium. The subordinate bodies are termed “Colleges” each being headed, in the United States, by a Chief Adept, IX, appointed for life by the Supreme Magus. Membership in a college has been restricted to 72. New members are required to select a distinctive “Latin Motto” and state that they are not a member of a non-Masonic Rosicrucian organization as a matter of ethics. The Society is not interested primarily in increasing its membership, but is always happy to consider such brethren whose interest in the Society’s aims is sincere and whom it considers to be in sympathy with the movement.
Masons in the United States learning about the development of Masonic Rosicrucianism in England and Scotland, became interested in organizing a similar body in the United States as early as 1878, as indicated by the granting of a Charter to Dr. Jonathan J. French to organize a College in the state of Illinois. Unfortunately, Dr. French died later that year so the College did not survive. Interest, however, did no wane, as Brothers Charles E. Meyer, Melita Lodge No. 295, Daniel Sutter, Phoenix Lodge No. 230 and Charles W. Parker, Philadelphia Lodge No. 72, all of Philadelphia, PA were admitted to the Zelator degree in Yorkshire College while on a Masonic Pilgrimage to England on July 25, 1878. Brother Mark Merckle, member of Hermann Lodge No. 1251, Philadelphia was admitted subsequently to Metropolitan College, London. These four brethren served as the nucleus for the Pennsylvania College which received a charter from S.R.I.S. on December 27, 1879. This was followed by charters issued to New York on April 9, 1880; Massachusetts, May 4, 1880; Maryland, May 10, 1880; and Vermont on September 22, 1880. Vermont was never active. Members from Philadelphia and New York met in Philadelphia, PA on April 21, 1880 and formed a Grand High Council, then known as Soc.Ros. Republican Americae. Nineteen representatives of the Colleges, PA(5), NY(5), MA(4), MD(4), and VT(1) were present at the first meeting of High Council held on September 21, 1990 at Boston, MA. Charles E. Meyer from PA was elected the first Supreme Magus. The Massachusetts College only has had a continuous existence. The others were erased and subsequently reorganized.
The reference document for this information is a pamphlet titled: An Introduction to Masonic Rosicrucianism issued by The Supreme Magus, S.R.I.C.F., William G. Preacher, M.D.,IX, 1990