2024 Grand Commandery Knights Templar Committees
Chairman Billy Barnett Young (13/29/36) wildbilll38301@gmail.com (731)217-7284
Joseph Oriel Hinch (40) jhinch@charter.net (931)409-1722
Clarence Loyd Crump cbob62@charter.net (423)306-8326 (19/25/33/37/43)
Chairman Appeals and Grievances
Ronald Jasper Coates (1/41) RonaldCoates@hotmail.com (931)224-0537
Joseph Curtis Harrison (39) sgigtn@bellsouth.net (901)355-0038
Roy Clinton Etherton (28/42) rcether@volstate.net (423)775-3974
Chairman Ronald Lee McVey, Jr. (1/7) rlmjrtx@gmail.com (214)918-8104
Wilbur J. Bowman, Jr. (1/7) wilburjbowman@outlook.com (615)512-0322
Wayne Burton Bible (1/7) wbible@bellsouth.net (615)282-8935
Chairman Andrew Michael Gedge (1) andrewgedge@gmail.com (615)496-2281
Michael Alan Smith (11) asmith74vol@comcast.net (615)948-9824
Chairman George Caleb Ladd (11) George.caleb.ladd@gmail.com (931)682-2263
Wiley James Gosnell (25/43) wjgosnell03@gmail.com (865)414-6532
Ralph Burks Taylor (1/41) ralphburkstaylor@gmail.com (615)848-8264
Dispensations and Bylaws
Chairman Quentin Thomas Bolden (10) gyrbtn@gmail.com (615)339-2176
Michael Garland Weems mgweems@bellsouth.net (865)414-6532 (21/23/45)
Justin McCoy Huggins (14) justinhuggins1106@gmail.com (423)667-2101
Educational Foundation
Chairman H. K. Jack Akard (9) repgc@yahoo.com (865)898-2101
Ronald Jasper Coates (1/41) ronaldcoates@hotmail.com (931)224-0537
George Caleb Ladd (11) George.caleb.ladd@gmail.com (931)682-2263
Buddy Clark Leach, II (16) buddyleach954@gmail.com (731)643-3409
Eye Foundation
Chairman Roy Tillman Sutton, III rtsutton3@gmail.com (423)384-5011 (19/25/33/37)
Thomas Michael Flowers, Sr. (31) mflowers51@gmail.com (662)404-0813
Steven Graham Young (14) stevenyoung131@gmail.com (423)432-5144
Finance and Accounts
Chairman Wayne Burton Bible (1/7) wbible@bellsouth.net (615)282-8935
Roy Clinton Etherton (28/42) rcether@volstate.net (423)775-3974
Matthew John Liotta (16) m.liotta@charter.net (731)707-2815
Michael Mario Tesoro, Jr. (9/45) Michael_tesoro@yahoo.com (865)712-2265
Holy Land Pilgrimage
Chairman Bobby C. Blankenship, Jr. (13/36) yrblex@gmail.com (731)571-1104
Charles Michael Roberts (14) cmikeroberts@epbfi.com (423)843-2896
Adolf Hans (Dusty) Parsons (33) dusty.parsons@charter.com (423)341-8798
Investment Board
Chairman Montee Allan Sneed (11) montee@caledonianfinancial.com (931)446-0048
Danny Clayton Milam (13) dmilam71@gmail.com (731)693-3301
Michael Mario Tesoro, Jr. (9/45) Michael_tesoro@yahoo.com (865)712-2265
IT Committee
Chairman Ralph Burks Taylor (1/41) ralphburkstaylor@gmail.com (615)848-8264
Thomas Norwood Kerlin (39) tkerlin@bellsouth.net (901)518-9888
George Caleb Ladd (11) George.caleb.ladd@gmail.com (931)682-2263
Long Range Planning
Chairman Kevin Joseph Boles (9/23/45) rock724@yahoo.com (865)283-0425
Wayne Burton Bible (1/7) wbible@bellsouth.net (615)282-8935
William Victor Mullins (31) chef.william.mullins@gmail.com (662)694-1340
Chairman Matthew John Liotta (16) m.liotta@charter.net (731)707-2815
Brian Ronald Song (8) brian.song13@gmail.com (931)241-1391
Jesse Johnthan Harper (43/45) jessharp@comcast.net (865)621-8686
Patriotic and Civic Activities
Chairman Robert B. Beam (9/21/23/45) robertbeam.gctn@gmail.com (865)898-6409
Doyle Rene’ Clark, II (8) d@doyleclark.com (931)721-8323
James Olen Weir (39) jownovelist@gmail.com (901)486-6440
Public Relations
Chairman Brandon Tyler Johnson (44/45) brandonjohnson1994@gmail.com (423)494-4894
William Victor Mullins (31) chef.william.mullins@gmail.com (662)694-1340
Steven Graham Young (14) stevenyoung131@gmail.com (423)432-5144
Ritual and Tactics
Chairman Clarence Crump (19/25/33/37/43) cbob62@charter.net (423)306-8326
Buddy Clark Leach, II (16) buddyleach954@gmail.com (731)643-3409
Charles McBerry Thames cbaby58@hotmail.com (423)327-3585 (19/25/33)
State News Editor
Jesse Jonathan Harper (43/45) jessharp@comcast.net (865)621-8686
Chairman Charles McBerry Thames cbaby58@hotmail.com (423)327-3585 (19/25/33)
Billy Barnett Young (13/29/36) wildbill38301@gmail.com (731)217-7284
Robert Warren Waldron waldronr@aol.com (615)517-6129 (1/7/10/13/16/25/40/43)